Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Tafresh University, Tafresh 39518 79611, ‎Iran

2 UQAT-Polytechnique Research Institute on Mine and Environment (RIME), QC, Canada


Accurate modeling of the drainage basin, including its spatial and temporal distribution of hydrological parameters and rainfall-runoff process, is very important in many applications. As an example, design flood estimation in hydraulic structures, which has the main role in the construction cost, is a result of rainfall-runoff simulation. The Rudbar Lorestan dam project is a part of the hydroelectric development projects complex in the Dez River basin. This project is located in a mountainous zone 200 Km away from Isfahan on the Rudbar River and 100 Km away from the south of Aligudarz. The aim of the Rudbar Dam and power plant project was to use the hydroelectric potential that is caused by the different elevations between the dam position and the power plant location. Due to the About 300 Meters difference in elevation from the dam axis to the power plant location set as one of Iran's prominent hydroelectricity projects. There are many consulting engineers in these projects, previous studies, and their main study result (flood design) shows a 17% difference from each other. due to the significant mentioned difference caused by using experimental methods and personal judgment, an effort was made in this research to simulate a large part of the Rainfall-Runoff process and model the water movement current on the basin surface with WMS software, and by taking the results of previous studies, the results of executing point of view and theory point of view had been compared. For this purpose, two internal and external representative basins were simulated, and the results were compared to evaluate the ability of the model. Simulating the main basin refuses the older studies by the difference near 20%, and confirms the newer studies by a difference of about 10%.


Main Subjects

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