Volume 6 (2023)
Volume 5 (2022)
Volume 4 (2021)
Volume 3 (2018)
Volume 2 (2017)
Volume 1 (2016)


Journal Metrics 
Number of Indexing Databases 12
Number of Reviewers 137
Published articles  
Number of Volumes 7
Number of Issues 12
Number of Articles 109
Number of Contributors 256
Article View 57,174
PDF Download 31,549
View Per Article 524.53
PDF Download Per Article 289.44
Submission Statistics
Number of Submissions 155
Acceptance Rate 42
Time to Accept 67 Days
Accept Without Review 0
Process Time Statistics  
Average First Action 2 Days
Average First Reviewer Assignment 6 Days
Average Review Date 17 Days
Average First Revision 33 Days

Water Harvesting Research is an online, single blind peer-reviewe, free and open access journal published semiannually by University of Birjand with the cooperation of Iranian Rainwater Catchment Systems Association . With our broad scope, we welcome research from areas across the water resources engineering.  All submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through  iThenticate plagiarism detection software to verify the originality of written work. 

Publication in journal of Water Harvesting Research is based on Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and this journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical law. The journal is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licesed 4.0 International (CC By 4.0).


Memorandum of Cooperation

It is worthy noted that Water Harvesting Research has established a memorandum of cooperation with the Iranian Rainwater Catchment Systems Association” since 19 February 2015

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It is with great pleasure to inform you that journal of “Water Harvesting Research” has been awarded “Grade B” in the latest evaluation by the Scientific Publications Commission (2022).

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