Document Type : Research Paper


Expert in Energy Audit, Department of Energy and Environment, Iranian National Standard Organization, Bandar Abbas, Iran


Greenhouse production in areas with suitable potential has developed significantly due to the economic and technical advantages of this method. Khabr region in the south of Kerman province has very good potential for agriculture and renewable solar energy production. In this research, using the design of the greenhouse structure with roofs of solar panels and a rainwater harvest system, the amount of energy produced and collected water has been simulated and estimated. After examining the 20-year rainfall data of the Khabr region, monitoring the amount of radiation in the region, and also determining the suitable location for installing the greenhouse and solar panels, the digital height of the region were obtained and its topology and slope were estimated using ArcGIS software. After determining the appropriate location and designing the greenhouse structure, using PVSol software version 2021, in three different scenarios of solar panel installation, simulation has been done and energy-related parameters have been estimated. The simulation results showed that with this method and placing the flat panel roof with an angle of 28 degrees, on the land of about 2 hectares, more than 60,000 cubic meters of rainwater was collected annually, and the electric energy amounted to 17227057 kilowatts per year and the electric power produced from these installed solar panels is estimated at around 9 MW. In addition to helping the environment and increasing the productivity of the production process, this project also leads to the optimal use of rainwater.


Main Subjects

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